Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Audubon Update

Wildlife Sighting
We've had quite a few Canadian Geese stopping by the course lately.  Most of them don't stick around too long this time of year.  After a quick bite to eat and some rest, off they go to their next destination. 

Canadian Geese on hole #7

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Audubon Update

Wildlife Sighting
We are still working towards our certification with Audubon International. Our goal is to finish the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses. To achieve certification we must complete six categories. 
Two categories we are working on are Wildlife and Habitat Management and Outreach and Education. I am using my blog as part of the Outreach and Education category to communicate to members about the Audubon program and other information pertaining to achieving certification. 
One part of Wildlife and Habitat Management is creating a wildlife inventory.  This includes any wildlife we have seen on the course, past and present. With help from Lea Ann Ogden, Audubon Committee leader and a member of the club for many years, we have started creating our wildlife inventory. Lea Ann lives on the golf course and enjoys watching the birds and waterfowl from her back yard.  Also, I would like to thank Jim LaDow for sending me this picture of the owl located on hole 7. 

Photo courtesy of Jim LaDow
If you are interested in helping us with wildlife photos, displays or educational projects, contact myself or Lea Ann Ogden. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Golf Course Update

It Finally Rained!
The thunder woke me at 3 AM last night! Could it be? Is that the sound of rain I hear? I jumped out of bed and headed straight for the door. And what did I see?  A sight for soar eyes!  It's pouring rain! And it was coming down hard. The showers lasted off and on until 7AM.  I checked the rain gauge and we got 3/4" in four hours.  As most of you know, when we get that much rain in such a short amount of time we get rivers running through the golf course.  There is usually a lot of debris to clean up after the water stops, but I'll take the extra work with the rain any day.  The course soaked up much of the water, but we still have many wet spots in low areas.  The weather channel is calling for thundershowers for the next couple of days, so this might not be the end of the rain.  Try to remain on the cart paths as much as possible and please avoid any low areas because they will be saturated. If you see muddy golf cart tracks, go around that area. 
Another bonus from the rain is the ponds get full.  I know many of you express your concerns about the water level getting low in the pond on hole 13.  This pond, as well as the pond on hole 18, was designed as part of the drainage system throughout Spring Valley Lake.  They fill rather quickly when we get this much rain.

Storm run-off across #6 cart path

Storm run-off to #5 fairway
#5 Fairway- Avoid this area with golf carts